Monday, September 21, 2009

Samidi Sekeluarga Mengucapkan

Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Batin

Salah silap harap dimaafkan.

Dari kami;
Samidi&Sariah Sekeluarga

Dari kami;
Samidi&Sariah Sekeluarga

Rizal&Niza Sekeluarga

Rizam&Hani Sekeluarga

Sham&Aida Sekeluarga

Sekiranye, tak berkesempatan utk berkunjung ke rumah, ampun kan segala dosa kami..
Maklumla,ade kalanya percakapan ini tidak beralas.. 
Halal kan makan dan minum sepanjang persahabatan dan persaudaraan kita.

Faezah Samidi

posted by faezahsamidi, 1:38 PM.
Saturday, September 19, 2009

Maka genaplah umat islam berpuasa selama sebulan.
Ini adalah hari terakhir kita berpuasa. Semua sibuk menghabiskan kerja
rumah sebelum menyambut Syawal yg akan muncul esok.
Hiba pula rasanya untuk meninggalkan Ramadan..Haiz..

Rasa malas pula nk sambut Raya tahun ni.
Maklumlah, keluarga ku baru terlepas dari ruang yg sempit.
Harungi jua dgn ketabahan...

Namun kita tetap beraya dgn sederhana.
Mintak maaf la pade ahli keluarga ku yg lain,
oleh kerana, tahun ni lain nya,takde duit raya...
Very Sorry my cousins....

posted by faezahsamidi, 8:05 PM.

Thursday tak keje...Mak suro ambek kueh kat ruma Cik Yam..
Dari Monday mak da suro,aku tangguh sampai kene marah dgn mak...
Ah yela...Terpakse pujuk Uncle kasi Off.Nasib mood dia baik..

Rumah Cik Yam kat Woodland, sebelah blok Abah.
Nasib aku tahu pegi. Kalau tak macam rusa masuk kampung
aku dibuatnya.. Den buka kat kedai Mama..
This time tak plan, so main turun je la..
Mama mood ok. Dia buka bubur masjid, aku buka mee goreng.

Stay sane sampai kul 9pm.
Tolong kemas,layankan perangai pekerja Mama,
Cik Leha yang suka menyakat orang...

Paling best, sape2 yg tanye dia sape aku,
dgn senang hati dia jawab..

"Oh..Ni anak Boss..
Name dia Faezah."

Ah bagus..Sape ajar si Cik Leha ni pun aku tak tau.
Asl boleh je...Semua tanye Mama betul ke tak.Baik ah member.
Banyak la aku ni Anak Boss.Buat kelakar.

posted by faezahsamidi, 1:56 AM.
Monday, September 14, 2009

Last Saturday..After work proceed to Mama stall...
We break fast together..Its a last minute plan actually..

As Abah kept asking me,
"Ja, bila nk buka kat kedai dgn Mama?"
And i kept delaying it..And giving all sorts of excuse.Heh..
"hmm..enta eh bah..ija try cari slot ah.Kalau dpt off,ija buka sane k.."

So,since Saturday I start work in the morning and end at 5pm, 
I think thats the best day to buka with her..

So ya, i took 963 to Marsiling..
Reach there ard 6.30 as i took my own sweet time.hehe!..
And this time, i took the right bus to Woodland Centre k...

So spent my quality time with her.
Help her doing some chores.
Macam kekok la jugak tapi tolong je la...

But by 9pm im off..
Mata da tkleh angz ah.....
Ngantok la sangat..

Harapan tinggi menggunung nak tunggu 
sampai Abah nye ni balek terawih....
Masa depan gelap la sudah..
Aku da ngantok, angkat kaki jalan suda....

posted by faezahsamidi, 12:59 AM.
Sunday, September 6, 2009

On Saturday,not working as SOS have enough staff.
Paat and Farhan working,so i got an Off from Uncle.
Bagus jugak ah...Lepak jeng...hehehehe

Oh,Abang family coming over to break fast together..
So called a family gathering..Hehhe!Fun!
Main Apish nye CAR remote control...
Then,main kat hardcourt....

Oh yah.....
Before that,I went to band practice in the afternoon..

Yeah,i receive a call from Mama on Friday,4th Sept.
She in need of cash.Unfortunately,i dont have any on that day.
She sound disappointed.But what can i do?
Aku pun pikiran..Tak tolong,tapi dia Mama aku sak....
Seriously aku kering..nak tunggu besok nye macam lambat gitu...
As i will receive my other pay from Javalink on the 5th Sept...
I called her to explain things out.But she didnt answer.
So,just left her a msg saying,if possible, i can only pass it to her the next day.

Woke up at 11.30am..
Althought i receive a call from Mama early in the morning for our meet..
I promised to actually meet her at 12pm at her stall..
But u can guess what happen right?Well as usual i will be late..heheh..

Yup,i pass my pay to her..
Walaupun aku perlukan duit tu untuk raya,
takpelah Mama nye pasal aku buat ni...
Lagipun,Abah tak tau pasal ni..
And i know the reason why Mama did this..
Kalau Abah tahu, confem kita ene marah...
Biar rahsia ni antara kite je tahu...

Cerita paling best..
I rode the wrong bus that lead me to
Gerek ke pe????
I was on the phone, i thought it was 856, so walk
quickly to take the bus...
I then realised that the bus went straight to the checkpoint
without turning to woodland centre..
OMG!!Cuak sekejap aku!!
I told the bus driver that i rode the wrong bus,he then told me,
"U tell the guard that u took the wrong bus"
First thought it was easy...
Yeah right!It took 30mins of my time sitting at the
Inspection Room...

They did qn me as if im in the wrong..
Do i look like a crook?Duh~Idiot!
After taking my particulars,he let me off..
Lepas tu nk jalan keluar die punye lah jauh!!....
Enough of it ok......

And yes at last met Mama...
I explain to her of my lateness..
She laugh at me instead of pity me....

To think back,
Padan muka kau FAEZAH!!!....

posted by faezahsamidi, 4:48 AM.

On thursday.......
Iftar with Eja and Farliana...
First time dok aku makan kat seoul garden...
Maklumlah dulu aku ajak Yazhid, dia kate aku ni 
sam dol tak tau mkn bende2 kat sane.....
Hahahhaa...tapi takpe....
Da terbalas da keinginan aku untuk makan sane..
Best jugak ah...bakar-bakar dgn rebus-rebus...

posted by faezahsamidi, 4:47 AM.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Macam malas la pulak aku nk ke keje time hujan-hujan gini..
Feeling2 nk paitao pun ade..hehehhe!
Tapi kalau aku tak pegi, confem si Tua tu bising..
Tapi hujan sak...confem sales rabak...Haiyo....
Doa2 je la kat Sentosa tu hujan lebat...
Jadi aku boleh balek!!

posted by faezahsamidi, 2:06 PM.

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